Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Family Fodder-Savoir Faire 7" (UK, 1980)

Hey y'all! I am still alive! It has been a minute since I managed to check in here. I got a new job, you may remember me mentioning, which has been taking up ALL of my time. That coupled with a "vacation" back home, I have not had a minute to spare. But, I'm here now, so let's chat. First and foremost, can I say I've missed you? I am really having a hell of an adjustment back into office life and I just wanna go back to my freelance days of baths and listening to random and obscure shit on YouTube all day. Oh well.

Anyway, it's finally summer. It's fucking hot and miserably humid and there aren't enough hours in the day to go swimming as much as one would like. The irony for me is now that I finally have money again, I don't have time to spend it. I did manage to rush over to the record store today on my lunch break and this little gem was waiting for me. Seemed like fate that I should get my ass in gear and do a post about it. So, without further ado, Family Fodder. I have liked this band for a while as they shared, at least at one point, members with People in Control who you may remember from this post I did a while back: HERE. Either way, this group has been around a long time and somewhat surprisingly, they are still active, putting out new records and touring. You can keep up with them on their page HERE and go see them early next year if you are out Europe way. They have about a million records and I can't personally vouch for ALL of them but if your leanings are a bit artsy and British-of-that-era, by all means give them a listen, starting here with this song that has just been killing me called Savoir Faire from their 1980 7" of the same name and also appearing on the album Monkey Banana Kitchen, out the same year.

Anyway, I hope to be back soon. Things are quieting down as far as shows go for a bit and everyone is going on vacation so I'll try to get you some nice, obscure 80's summer jams in the near future!