Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Risk-Part Time Lover 7" (UK, 198?)

Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you subscribe to the notion of romantic love or not, I hope that you enjoy something that you love today. Perhaps it will even be this song!

Here's another little gem for you sent to us from our like-minded friend Alex over at Girlz on Vinyl. As with my last post, there is little to no info available on this release but the perfect pop vocals, rock leanings and big synth tick all the right boxes for me. I'm gonna put the B-side up first cause I love it just a bit more than the A-side. Gonna keep this short today as I have a lot to catch up on but I'll be back soon with more! (And hopefully more info!)


Monday, January 30, 2017

Scherezade-Million Years/Seventeen 7" (UK, 1982)

Lately it feels like there are too many catastrophes to keep up with. I mean, US politics alone, amiright? Those of us in Canada have basically been waiting and watching for the sickness to spread. Trudeau's acceptance of the DAPL earlier this week was the whimper and last night the news of 6 dead and 19 injured in a shooting rampage at a mosque in Quebec City became the bang. I usually try to keep politics out of my online life, but it's becoming more and more difficult to justify.

At any rate, this morning I woke up with the general sense of futility and despair that accompany waking up in a post-Trump world and I checked my phone, as per usual, to see what had died, exploded, been raped and/or pillaged overnight and instead of that, this song was waiting for me. Along with a host of new and exciting stuff.

This was sent to me by my new friend Alex who runs the PlanetNamedDesire YouTube channel which you should 100% go check out as well as the accompanying Facebook HERE. The Girlz On Vinyl playlist is basically 74 hits in a row, and I should know cause I listened to ALL of them this morning. Which is why my time for research is a bit short today, so I will just say I know NOTHING about this except what I was told which is basically it's limited to 200 copies. So, if you see one, pick it up. If you see two, send me one. And, just for good measure, here's another track by Somerset group Visibility Zero which was unreleased but killer.

This brought a little happy into my day, as only nerding out about records can do. I hope if you don't find it here, you get a little bit of respite in your day as well.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dogmatic Element-Strange Passion 7" (Ireland, 1982) & Dress Up As Natives-Romantic About You Cassette (US, 1981)

Ahoy hoy!

Been feeling really down the last couple of days and pretty much not sleeping. At all. So, I've actually had a lot of time to think up some new stuff for the blog. I know, right? So, let's do it.

First up is a big track from Pittsburgh outfit Dress Up As Natives. I can't tell you how often this song pops into my brain. Romantic About You is actually from a demo cassette that was never officially released and is difficult to track down info on, but at least some of it is available for download HERE. And if you want to read a bit about them you can do so HERE. They officially released one 7" on Public Records in 1982 which is just as good and worth a listen also.

Secondly, same year but from the other corner of the globe, Dogmatic Element from Bangor, Ireland. This group managed to get out two 7"s, Strange Passion in 1982 and False Emotions in 1984. Again, you can read a bit about them HERE. For my money, Just Friends is a hit, but you can listen for yourself. 

I should probably start a new post now, but I'm too lazy so you'll just have to follow my wandering exhausted thoughts. Dogmatic Element appear on the 2012 compilation Strange Passion: Explorations In Irish Post Punk DIY And Electronic Music 1980-1983 which has some great hidden gems including this lovely and haunting Choice track, Always In Danger, which I will probably listen to like ten more times today. 

Okay, I'll wrap this up here. Gonna try to whip out a couple of long overdue mixtapes before I pass out from exhaustion. 
